(12月4日讯)第十届巴塞尔迈阿密艺术博览会于2011年11月28日至4日在迈阿密海滩会议中心隆重举行。应组委会主席Domonic J.Taglialatella的邀请,著名画家散子先生应邀参展,所展出的17幅油画作品全部为散子先生的近作。这些作品再一次在此次全球最高规格的迈阿密艺术博览会上阐述了已经有着两千七百多年历史的老子深厚的道家人文思想。来自全球七千多名高端人士欣赏过散子先生的这些画作后无不被作品中清新、脱俗且有着仙境(天堂)般的画面境界所深深的感染……
(Report in 4th December)The tenth Basel Miami Art Fair was hold at Miami Meeting Center from 28th November to 4th December. Was invited by Domonic J.Taglialatella the chairman of the organization committee,famous painter Mr.Sanzi took part in,all of these 17 paintings was his recently artwork.All of these painting was showed in the highest standard World Art Fair of Miami,exposition the humanistic thought (ideas) of Taoism from Laozi which can date from 2700 years ago.In 7 days over 7000 high-end people saw Mr. Sanzi's painting,none of them was not infected by the painting realm which like heaven,fairy like state,pure and fresh……
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